Corbyn was due to speak at the east London Momentum rally on Chilcot Day. I booked
my ticket. I guessed that it would also be about when either a leadership challenge
was mounted, or Corbyn would announce whatever dirty deal had been cooked up. Never
ask me to predict anything.
thousand of us came to hear Corbyn. He was a no show (not announced, craftily,
until the end). 'He wanted to spend more time with families affected by the
Iraq War'. Maybe. We had to make do with the support acts. I was momentarily
taken aback when his replacement video address to us started with, 'Hello,
The support
most fired-up (and so best) speaker of the night was Matt Wrack, General
Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union. I could have been back at Labour Party
Young Socialists conference listening to him but he's long lost that shroud of
dreariness that would hang over speeches from Militant. His address was a welcome bit of pyromania
against the structure of capitalism.
what's the point of a rally? A collection of people to show strength of
support? The large attendance did do this. Or maybe it is to be a chorus to
echo the stage? Well,
if so, I'm sure a few of us might have felt like talking down some of the
speakers. From Rhea Wolfson (Labour NEC candidate) - a polished, and so fairly
anodyne, speaker with her eyes on prizes beyond the current one - we heard that the
attempted coup was the "Last cry of the old politics." I wonder over
how many centuries and countries that phrase has been uttered before?
Trickett said, "Leaders without popular movements can't succeed." Cameron
(for six years) or Wilson?
audience were mainly young (20s or 30s), and very representative of the new,
east London,
along with a fair sized tranche in their 50s or 60s. I wonder if the older
group noticed how much more right-wing Corbyn is compared to their previous (and
unmerited) hero, Tony Benn?
suspect there were not many there who weren't graduates (so none of the enthusiastic
school or college students that previous movements have attracted) and I'd
guess that fairly few had family links to the East End.
The audience was overwhelmingly white; especially noticeable in Tower Hamlets
(although it was Eid). Papers sellers were there from Socialist Appeal, the
Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party and a leaflet from what appears to be the new Labour Party organisation for people like the Wrack brothers and (ex?) Socialist Network reds like Edmund Potts.
Corbyn Cult
Corbyn Cult thrives. The pre-event slideshow was heavy on people doing their
best to out-Jezza each other. "We are the Corbyn Collective" was one.
Amongst the Corbyn paraphernalia on sale was a t-shirt with 'Corbyn' replacing 'Superman'.
Christine Shawcroft (Labour Party NEC member) had Corbyn "fighting for
us" and another speaker referred to the "multiple meanings of
Corbyn" and stated that, "only Jeremy Corbyn offers a solution to the
housing crisis."
were also invited to applaud other 'heroes' such as Cat Smith MP and a list of
similar names. Most of the audience did so enthusiastically. But what if Corbyn
goes under that proverbial bus? Other dangers here are also obvious.
action plan to deal with strategic issues was outlined and only the Momentum
wire-puller, Jon Lansman, addressed tactical considerations: 'We are using the
best tech, "inspired by the Sanders campaign"'. Momentum will be
"an agent of radical change" and '"We are prepared for a leadership
- but are they also prepared for ongoing guerrilla warfare as well as an open
attack? Where's the offensive? The concessions were there for the Right to pick
up - "We want political unity" said Trickett.
will Momentum go? If there is a split in Labour (the last thing either side
wants) could Momentum become the basis of a new party? How long can the current
Momentum project last - I know what view they will take of Labour (Momentum)
councillors making cuts (it will be, 'it's a dented shield') but when these
councillors become the main local target for protests, what then?
of the biggest issues wasn't even whispered. I had intended to make sure the
word was at least spoken, with a heckle to Corbyn - 'Deselect them!' It's self-defeating
for Momentum not to address getting rid of MPs. The PLP overwhelmingly despises Momentum
and so the organisation would have nothing to lose in going for the parliamentarians. If they don't
lance that boil, it's those MPs - and at the first opportunity - instead it will them running-through
Corbyn, Lansman and the rest.